Petition Disclose Act Passes CA Legislature, Illuminating True Funders of Ballot Measures
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Petition Disclose Act Passes CA Legislature, Illuminating True Funders of Ballot Measures

SB 47, known as the Petition Disclose Act, has been passed by both chambers of the California Legislature and sent to Governor Newsom for his signature. The bill, which would require listing the top three funders of any proposed ballot initiative on the petitions that voters are asked to sign, is supported by Voters’ Right to Know.

[W]alk into a chain grocery store or traverse the entry of many big box stores like Home Depot, Best Buy and Costco during the season for qualifying ballot initiatives, and you could be accosted by petition carriers wanting your signature on measures you may not have heard about or understand.

But if you knew who was behind those proposed laws, who’s paying the petition carriers the usual $3 to $6 per verified voter signature, you might get a better idea what they might do than the measures’ titles ever give.

Putative ballot initiatives and their big-letter titles can be worded in deliberately misleading ways that cause many voters to help qualify proposed propositions they eventually vote against.

Read more coverage of SB 47 in the Ventura County Star.